Pascal Villanova
A smooth body, a radiant deck, manicured teak, fast sailing and all boat materials in top condition: Every sailor dreams of enjoying this.
It is not always easy to obtain all the above and then maintaining it. Many cleaning products don't provide the results they promise, they are often labour intensive to use and the results are disappointing. “That must change, we thought at Villanova”.
Vossen Laboratories
At Vossen Laboratories we strive to provide the yachting industry with high quality products especially developed to respect both people and the environment. Pascal Villanova by Vossen is a one-stop-shop for the cleaning, lubrication and conservation of boats. At Vossen Laboratories we focus on innovation and quality. We ensure quality by our ISO certifications. Above all, we value the interests of our customers. This is reflected both in our price policy as well as the value we attach to creating durable and value-adding relationships with our customers.
Since the very beginning of our company history, our mission has been to inspire the yachting industry with new, durable and environmentally friendlier products.

Our mission
We deliver value to customers, whether you're professional or an end consumer. Our premium yacht care brand is based on the latest nanotechnology with focus on user friendly designs and functioning. We believe in open communication, building our brand together with our partners and supply top notch yacht care. We're always looking for perfection.
With Pascal Villanova's many years of knowledge and experience he knows what’s happening in the industry and what products are needed to obtain the quality standards of our brand.
Our own R&D team researches all products in-depth and tests every step of the process to meet our quality standards and constant drive to improvement.